The Stampscapes® 101: 9-Step Thumbnail Grid, Lesson X
Emerald Cliff

9-Step Progression, Lesson X, Frame I

Boulders w/Lichen-205F was stamped in Marvy Bottle Green #25.

9-Step Progression, Lesson X, Frame II

Boulders w/Lichen-205F was stamped two more times in the same color. This image was designed to be stacked and overlapped where no masking is necessary to build a larger foundation.

9-Step Progression, Lesson X, Frame III

Cloud Cumulus-018E was stamped in Marvy Rose Pink #57. The image was stamped three times --each time overlapping the existing impression.

9-Step Progression, Lesson X, Frame IV

Sun (Wavy Rays)-204G was stamped in the Rose Pink. Most of the where the sun image and the cloud images met was masked out using a ripped paper towel which gives a softer mask than cut paper.

9-Step Progression, Lesson X, Frame V

The Tonal Applicator-084E was used in Marvy Pale Orange #16. The sun will be the light source, and I'll have some light falling on the cliff. So, I left those areas light and mostly untouched by the pale orange.

9-Step Progression, Lesson X, Frame VI

The Tonal Applicator was used in Marvy Yellow #5. Really bright here with the addition of the yellow, but there are still a few colors to go that will tone this down. I just want a bright foundation that will make the card "glow" in the end result.

9-Step Progression, Lesson X, Frame VII

The Tonal Applicator was used in Marvy Light Green #11. Already you can see the effects of having the yellow underneath the green. This #11 is a bright color, but the yellow underneath really raises the intensity.

9-Step Progression, Lesson X, Frame VIII

The Tonal Applicator was used in Marvy Light Blue #10 and then in Green #4. For added depth in the sky area, the Cloud Cumulus-018E was used again in Green #4

9-Step Progression, Lesson X, Frame IX

The Tonal Applicator was used in Marvy Bottle Green #25. Oak Tree Medium-178E and Horseback-173A was stamped in Bottle Green. Reeds Lg.-068D, Reeds-067B were added with a Memories Black ink pad.

A Pentel Milky Gel Roller in the colors of White, Light Blue, were used to add highlights in the sky and ledge.

To make things a little softer in areas, a Color Box pigment pad was used with a cotton swab application to the clouds, and sun. I just dabbed the cotton swab in the white ink and with that same dabbing movement, I built up the ink on to the areas of the card where I want that look.