Only in My Dreams by Ken Pesho, AZ 2006
Artist Note: Here it is Saturday morning and I can't sleep in. I was up at 5:30 just like every other day. But instead of working on classes or cleaning my mess from doing thatÊall week,ÊI decided to do a Scapes scene for myself. I'd been trying to figure out how to create a horizon and soften the cloud line and I must've been dreaming about it because when I sat down I did just what I'd been looking for. I used Adirondack Caramel and Marvy Orange and created my horizon with Marvy Grey and liked the result. Love working with the Palm stalks. With the three on one stamp I can pick and choose orÊturn and mask to make them any way I see them. Thank goodness for Costco H.D. B&M! I extended the trunk of the Tropical Tree using the Bare Branch. They work quite well together. So I was able to have tropical bush and tree. I used Cloud w/Lightning 020E and Cloud Cumulus 018E and Marvy Brilliant Yellow and Adirondack Caramel. Once again Costco H.D. B&M did the look I was after. Clearsnaps allowed me to get the sunlight over and under the clouds. All in all, I was quite pleased with making myself a card for a change. -KP