It must have been the moon that night. I dreamt of Boating Fishermen in a Seaside Cove. They silently drifted along the banks of an ancient village. Palms w/Huts lined the shoreline under a cloud filled sky. As the clouds parted, the moonlight found its way onto the land and sea illuminating and setting the scene aglow. Quivering in the foreground, a gentle night breeze touched the Reeds and Fronds of an overhanging palm.
In another dream I was a diver seeking relief from the tropical heat. I followed a full moon down to a cove. It was a cove formed by a shoreline of Rocky Cliffs. The cliffs were cool and smooth to the touch. The waves in the Seaside Cove had weathered the surface. Off in the distance the Palm Clusters rose up from the horizon to reach for the moon. I waited for the right moment and leaped into the night air.
My last dream of that night took place in a Palm Cove. I was out Spearfishing by moonlight. That same Cloud with Moon hid behind the far palms of the cove. The light was bright enough to light my way as I searched the shallows. What I remember is the soft coral sand between my toes and the glistening, soft moonlit water that surrounded me and shivered with each step I took.