Stampscapes® Triptych: Page X

Triptych X: Panel I

Triptych X: Panel II

Triptych X: Panel III

"Seclusion" 1997. Dye based colours, Studio 2 pens, Glossy card stock, White Opaque.

Secluded little getaways. Are there any left? Sure. If you're willing to look. Maybe it's just beyond that outcropping of rocks or just another few miles up the creek. Maybe it's an area only accessible by boat. It just depends.

In the following scenes, the design --Pines & Rocks 195G is featured. For the most part it's used to accent --skirt-- another main image. Scene 1) the Brookside Boulders 185G sets the stage for scale when placed next to a Solo Canoeist 159A. Cloud (altocumulus) Lg. 194G is a nice subtle texture change in the sky next to the trees.

Scene 2) Rocky Creek Lg 073G sets the stage for a lone Wading Fisherman 186B to catch his limit. Pines & Rocks 195G is used to flank & continue the sides of the creek. Rocky Peaks 188F is stamped in violet in the background for depth.

Scene 3) Brookside Falls 184G is used as a main image. Just as it's used in scene 2, the Pines & Rocks design is stamped to each side. Note: In scenes 1 & 3 Oak Branch 203G was used as an overhanging limb to add texture, contrast, and visual depth to the scenes. In scenes 1 & 2 Reeds Lg. 068D is used for the same purposes as the oak but with much sharper lines. Having these elements enter the scene from the sides will break up the format of the rectangular shape, of the cardstock, on which the scenes are stamped.