The Stampscapes® 101: 9-Step Thumbnail Grid, Lesson XXVI
Stampscapes Domino Magnets

Prepare domino by soaking it in bleach over night to deglaze the domino. This removes the shiny glaze on the top of the domino. The TOP of the domino will be the plain side without the dots. Hold the domino top side down towards the inkpad (the tri-color Brilliance Peacock inkpad is used in the sample) so that the longest side is at the top and the domino will cover 2 colors on the inkpad.

Tap the top of the domino on the inkpad until the top of the domino is fully covered with ink. Use a heat gun to heat set the ink until it is dry. Allow the domino to cool before proceeding.

Using the Brilliance Pearlescent Ice Blue inkpad, stamp Water Pattern Small 231C on top of the domino. Heat set to dry and let cool. Using Staz-On Jet Black, stamp Fisherman in Boat 187B on the top of the domino. Heat set to dry and let cool.

Using Staz-On Olive Green, stamp Reeds 067B along the bottom and both sides on the top of the domino. Heat set to dry and let cool.

Place domino on top of self-adhesive magnet sheet and trace around domino. Trim magnet sheet to fit on back of the domino and set aside.

Using a wet sealant product that dries clear, brush 2-3 coats on top of the stamped domino, allowing each coat to dry before applying another coat. Use gentle pressure when brushing on the sealant, do not scrub the domino with the brush. Aleene's Laminate It was used as the wet sealant on the sample. Liquid Laminate or Gloss Varnish Medium may be used in place of Aleene's Laminate It. NOTE: Do NOT use clear fingernail polish as your wet sealant as it will dissolve and smear the inks. Once the sealant is thoroughly dry, use a Krylon Leafing Pen to go over all four edges of the domino - let dry. (the Krylon 18KT Gold Leafing Pen was used for the sample) Press self-adhesive magnet to the back of the domino and you have a very simple and elegant addition to the collection of magnets on your refrigerator! Some other samples of Stampscapes domino magnets are:

Stamps used: Stampscapes: Water Pattern Small 231C, Reeds 067B, Loon w/Reflection 262A, Solo Canoeist 159A Inks: Brilliance Peacock and Pearlescent Ice Blue, Staz-On Jet Black and Olive Green Misc. Materials: deglazed domino, Krylon copper leafing pen, Aleene's Laminate It, self-adhesive magnet sheet

Stamps: Stampscapes: Pebbles 256A, Cabin Small 248A, Fir Row 243A Inks: Brilliance Aurora, Staz-On Jet Black Misc Materials: deglazed domino, Krylon Silver Leafing Pen, Aleene's Laminate It, self-adhesive magnet sheet

Stamps: Stampscapes: Loon 260C Inks: Brilliance Twilight, Staz-On Jet Black Misc. Materials: deglazed domino, Aleene's Laminate It, self- adhesive magnet sheet

"Stampscapes Domino Magnets" by Tyra Smith 2002

Images: Stampscapes: 231C Water Pattern Small, 187B Fisherman in Boat, 067B Reeds

Materials: dominoes, bleach, heat gun, self-adhesive magnet sheets, Aleene's Laminate It, Krylon 18 KT Gold Leafing Pen

Brilliance Inkpads: Peacock, Pearlescent Ice Blue
Staz-On Inkpads: Jet Black, Olive Green