The Stampscapes® 101: 9-Step Thumbnail Grid, Lesson XIX
Country Ride

Curvilinear Road-145F was colored --with pens-- a Marvy Pine Green #72 and Brown #6. A couple colors were used for a more diverse swatch.

Tall Grass-253D was stamped three times in Marvy Bottle Green #25 and Dark Brown #18. These will be some of the closest grass clusters so I wanted them to be fairly dark.

Tall Grass sm.-254B was stamped in bottle green. Approximately, 5-6 impressions were made. These smaller clusters make the visual recession more apparent.

Sedge Filler-251C was stamped out in a Marvy Pine Green #72. The smallest grassy texture stamp, it fills in and also creates a horizon line. I put an impression of it on the left grassy slope also.

Tree Cluster-244E and Tree Cluster sm.-266D were colored in Marvy Pine Green #72, Dark Brown #18, and Light Green #11. The brown was used for the trunks and the two greens created the look of cast light by making some of the branches lighter than others.

Tree Cluster-244E was used again in the #72 and #11 greens for the background trees. The grass line was masked out with a torn paper towel to give the appearance of depth by putting the trees in the distance behind the slope. Cabin sm.-248A was stamped in Dark Brown #18.

Pebbles-256A was stamped in the road in Marvy Brown #6 and dark brown #18. The darker impressions are closer to us than the lighter ones.

The Colorbox Stylus Tool was used in a Ranger Industries (R.I.) Sea Shells Starfish Green. If you don't know what the Stylus tool is you can check out How I use it is basically to just sponge my color on to the scene using one of the tips. My preference is the oval white one.

The Stylus Tool was used in (R.I.) Sea Brights Citrus and a Sea Shells Sandal. Then to deepen the shadows in some of the grass, especially under the trees, I used the tool in a Marvy Pine Green #72.

Stylus Tool: Marvy Ochre #13 was used in the grass. I wanted a richer color scheme working than to just use greens in here. Marvy Salvia Blue #60 was used in the sky. I left some of the white of the paper as if there was a cloud up there. R.I. Adirondak Pesto was used to deepen the shadows in the grass even more.

Stylus Tool: A Stamp It brand blue pad was used in the sky --it's kind of a dull steel blue. A Marvy Brown #6 was used to put a darker layering on to the road.

Stylus Tool: A Marvy Light Blue #10 and a R.I. Sea Brights Sailboat Blue were used in the sky to deepen the area.

Mountain Bikers-060A was stamped in black and Reeds lg.-068D in Marvy Bottle Green #25.

Add sparkle and highlights to your scene with Milky Gel Rollers. In this case, Pentel pastel colors in white, blue, green, and orange were used. These colors related to the color scheme used with the dye-based inks so I used them here with the gel pens. These dots really pick up the grass modulations by putting highlights on the tops of the mounds. Overall, this added texture (dots) helps to create continuity between the different stamps and the different sections (road, grass, trees).