"Nature's Grove," by Cindy Smith, Mesa, AZ, Jan 2002
Original Size: 6 X 10 1/2
Images: Sedge Bank left 234F, Sedge Bank right 233F, Maple Brook 259F, Sedge Cluster sm 265D, Maple Pair 239D, Tall grass sm 254B, Pebbles 256A, Water Pattern sm 231C, Maple Trio 240B, Fog, Cliffs & Waves 257F, Shagbark Hickory 242G, Shagbark Hickory sm 241E, Flock in H2O 225D, Pickerel Rush 064B
Notes: The lg Shagbark Hickory and Sedge at the right side of the scene were popped out for extra dimension and depth.